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Entrevista a Westwood: "Blade Runner" (Louis Castle)


Viendo el vídeo se nota que era una empresa visionaría, que EA se ventiló de un tiro en la cabeza para conseguir, como siempre, lo que ellos no son capaces de hacer. En este caso creo que querian command & conquer.

Una review reciente:

Otras entrevistas e info:

    Because of how central to the plot randomness is, NPC behavior was not scripted. Instead, each NPC is assigned certain goals to accomplish based upon whether they are a replicant or a human. How they go about accomplishing these goals is handled by the AI system, and can change from game to game, as most of the goals have several possible methods of achievement. The developers likened this aspect of the game to simulation games such as SimCity rather than traditional adventure games such as Myst.[13] Castle explains, "those agents are real, goal-oriented artificial intelligences. We don't know what they're going to do, exactly. We've given them behavior, we haven't given them instructions. There's a big difference between behavior-based AI and scripted instructions."[13]
Spark_23 said:
Viendo el vídeo se nota que era una empresa visionaría, que EA se ventiló de un tiro en la cabeza para conseguir, como siempre, lo que ellos no son capaces de hacer. En este caso creo que querian command & conquer.

Pues siguiendo con la temática de EA ventilándose empresas:

En este caso, parece que la empresa les ofrecía un "Uncharted" y EA se la ha ventilado para tener un "Destiny".